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Marketing Quick Tip #10 - Your Best Customer is Your Last

small business customers Salt Lake City marketing agency

It's as simple as that. Your best customer is your last. Just because their project or sale might be finalized, the relationship isn't. Continue to harbor that relationship with e-mails, social media shoutouts, maintenance plans, Christmas gifts and anything else you can think of to continue that relationship. Instead of looking for a new client, maintain your past ones!

Keep STAKing,

Michelle Johnson

Owner/Founder STAK Marketing

Michelle Johnson is the owner, founder and Chief Marketing Guru at STAK Marketing. Our passion at STAK Marketing is to create beautiful STAKs of marketing strategies that help small businesses grow and reach their goals. STAK Marketing's expertise ranges from SEO to branding, e-mail marketing to website design, PR to advertising and much more - making STAK Marketing a one-stop-shop for all your small business marketing needs .

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